THO is back baby

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by N00biz, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. N00biz New Member

    im soooooo FN gald tho is back im missed u guys sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much ..not to sound gay and u guys ..well...ok mayb not ricky hahahah ..yea im not good at this whole form thingy so im out ..mayb c u guys on the server. not that i have much time to play. like SAT night and every morn from like 6am to 9am
  2. rickybobby 2 smokes lets go

    We missed you to. No homo
  3. TMOT THO | Clan Administrator

    damn man your hours suck hope to get on sometime when you're playing
  4. N00biz New Member

    ya my life suxz work six nights a week sat nite off but i have my kids three sat nites a a month but we do what we have to to survive
  5. DECftw New Member

    you can play borderlands with me on your off days noobiz :)
  6. N00biz New Member

    actually just finished borderlands 2 yesturday final boss was a bitch and i was lvl 34 omg
  7. DECftw New Member

    well you can start a new guy or again with me!
  8. DECftw New Member

    well you can start a new guy or again with me!